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July 5-8, 2024 | Camp Ramblewood, MD

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The best of a radical burn, a transformational festival, And a Summer Camp

You’re about to step into an experience-driven event with community and collaboration at center stage. Inspired by the ethos of Burning Man, this is a highly curated festival at which you can be your authentic self, create and deepen connections, and leave feeling inspired.

We blend the endless spontaneity, co-creation, and community-driven elements of a burn with the orchestration of a traditional festival. The result is a unique brand of magic you won’t quite find anywhere else.

Tickets are intentionally limited.

A community driven by love & connection

Read about our values here

  • We support each other, we respect each other, and we celebrate the fuck out of each other.

    Above all else, CAMP is a gathering of tribes. It’s a place to connect, grow, and tighten the threads that weave the fabric of our community. It’s a place for you to strengthen ties with people you already love, and expand, through deep and authentic connection, to people you are meant to meet.

  • You are the designer of your own experience. This is your canvas. How do you want to paint it?

    CAMP is a gathering created for—and most importantly, by—the community. In many festivals, there exists a separation between the creators and the participants. At CAMP, the people who create every element of this event—from music to workshops to stages to activations to installations—are the same people you’re connecting with throughout the festival. It’s a place for you to share your magic and revel in the magic of others.

  • Let go of who you thought you were and step into who you are meant to be.

    CAMP is a place to test your edges, to boldly express yourself in ways you might not have had the courage to in the past. This is a safe and supportive environment to try new things, to say yes. Wear the outfit you always thought was too much. Sing in front of a crowd for the first time. Twerk like everyone’s watching. Be vulnerable and dream big.

  • At any given moment, you have the power to participate in a way that changes the trajectory of the entire event — for a single person or the entire community.

    The Magical People of CAMP are not just passive attendees who show up to receive; they’re active participants who contribute in creating the experience. Participating can be as simple as showing up fully on the dance floor, instead of doing the K sway or taking out your cell phone. Or it can be clapping and singing when the power goes off and starting an impromptu dance party. Or joining the cake fight at the annual summer camp games, even when it’s hot and you’re tired. Your energy and presence are gifts — you can be the facilitator of fun and mischief. You can turn a mundane moment into something special, and something special into something people will remember for the rest of their lives. All it takes is enthusiasm, an open mind, and maybe a little bit of courage. Remember to say, “Yes, and…”

  • Respect yourself. Respect each other. Respect the venue, the staff, and the neighbors. Leave no trace.

    Don’t be the person…

    Who does not 100% understand and embrace the concept of consent (both physical and emotional). Who consumes too much and winds up passing out in the middle of the dance floor. Who needs their friends to escort them to the medic. Who doesn’t own their ‘no.’ Who violates boundaries and makes all of their problems someone else’s responsibility. Who doesn’t look at the packing list, or the FAQ, or the Tthrival Gguide and comes unprepared. Basically, just don’t be a jerk, dude.

    Be the person…

    Who shows up with authenticity, kindness, and generosity. Who is as concerned with the needs of others as they are with their own. Who not only understands consent, but keeps an eye out for signs of violations. Who knows their limits. Who rests and hydrates. Who sets and respects boundaries. Who takes responsibility for their energy and their actions and the way they show up. Who isn’t afraid to take a pause and breathe when they’re getting triggered, to go to bed when they’re tired, to say no to anything they can’t handle or that isn’t a ‘fuck yes.’ Who asks for help when they need it. Who comes prepared and adds to the experience of others, instead of taking away from it. Basically, be an awesome human.

  • Jump into the sandbox. Build a castle. Make a mess.

    Play is celebration for celebration’s sake, a celebration that we’re finally wise enough to realize that the best part of being an adult is that we get to stop giving a damn about what everyone thinks about us and just be a kid again. So make sure you depart from the sound system for long enough to get silly AF. Take part in Capture the Flag at the annual Summer CAMP Games. Step into a role as a cowgirl at The Saloon. Shake your (canv)ass at the Most Artistic Butt competition in the Butt Olympics. Look ridiculous(ly amazing) at the choreographed dance workshop. Take your stuffed animal friend on an adventure and introduce her to all the people she wants to meet. Run around like a clown (not a scary one, please) and juggle racoon tail butt plugs for all we care. Just, for the love of Robin Williams, don’t take yourself too seriously.

  • Contribution—giving more than you consume—is what makes a community greater than the sum of its parts.

    Giving a gift means you get to give and receive at the same time, which creates an infinite cycle of joy. Through giving to the community you will receive many times over what you provide. Gifting creates connections. It inspires play. At its best, it utilizes creative self expression and participation. It is an amazing vehicle to manifest all of CAMP’s other core values. But please— leave the plastic necklaces and wooden tchotchkes at home. Instead contribute your time, energy, and acts of service. Share your talents—the gifts that are inside of you and are uniquely yours. Create and share experiences that can change people’s weekends–or lives.

A 3-DAY Adventure


Multiple DJ STAGES & variety of music areas



WELLNESS & health

special suprises & DELIGHTS

A little video of the magic

immersive experience








immersive experience · art · music · wellness ·

co-create and participate

Get involved and watch the infinite potential unfold.

Play music, perform, build a theme camp, teach a workshop, feed people, design a whacky game, and so much more. It all starts with you.

 Collaborators & Co-Creators

Got questions?

Join us and experience the magic…